Peripheral Distance Indicators


Peripheral Distance Indicators are a series of GDPR compliant, UK-wide consumer insights. Multiple sources of public data have been aggregated together to create a thorough and comprehensive resource.


The tool itself consists of data clearly available in the public domain. Our experienced team of data scientists have built complex algorithms so that data such as penetration of free school meals, average house price and household composition is used to accurately determine areas of wealth and poverty across the UK.

Bespoke distance to variables have also been created to ascertain levels of affluence and propensity to shop at certain establishments; for example, distance to good performing schools and distance to Waitrose allow our data science team to determine areas of high or low affluence.


The information Peripheral Distance Indicators provide our clients can be used to tailor campaigns to reach certain consumers that fit your consumer base. Tailoring each campaign to a specific consumer type enables our clients to almost double response rates across the board of their campaigns.

It can also be used to gain a detailed understanding of your customers to drive tailored communication strategies. Groups of customers can be profiled separately to identify key differences, for example, how individuals differ by recruitment channel.

The Profile Report

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